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If your Hero would die this turn, reduce them to 1H instead. No Spells or abilities can be used in response to Second Chance.
Pray you don't make the same mistake twice.
0 Mana (M)
Second Chance
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Frequently Asked Questions
You can play this Spell at any time, but it will have NO effect unless your Hero died.
Both abilities can be negated in response to their triggers by either destroying Adept Pyromancer, removing it from the game, or causing it to lose its abilities.
The come into play trigger activates when Adept Pyromancer comes into play for any reason, not just when it is played from your hand.
The second ability only triggers when are Spells played, so duplicating a Spell using Echo Cast will not trigger the effect.
If the come into play effect is negated in response to its activation, then you don't have to pay the mana (M) cost. This is because Adept Pyromancer would either no longer be in play for the ability to be used, or it would have lost the ability and it would be unusable.
Further questions? Email me at Hero@TalesoftheTomes.com